Standards and Initiatives
Independent assessment of our sustainable practices

Sharp does not simply respond to environmental requirements, we are active in the formulation and implementation of environmental policies. We are engaged in developing sustainable products, helping to define and confidently comply with the latest independent standards from agencies such as ISO (International Organization for Standardization), TCO (Swedish Trades Union), EPA Energy Star, as well as WEEE, RoHS, UL/UL-C, ETC, and FCC. We also work closely with partners and representatives to ensure legal compliance to any local environmental legislation.
In the production of our products, Sharp complies with strict manufacturing standards including ISO 14001 and exceeds compliance by following the most stringent Japanese quality control standards.

As a member of the global community, Sharp conducts its business in a way that respects international guidelines and norms. We participate in a number of initiatives that guide our sustainability management.
MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes
Comprising companies demonstrating a strong sustainability profile with the highest ESG rated performance. Sharp has been included for six consecutive years.

United Nations Global Compact
We consistently measure our performance in line with the Global Compact’s 10 Principles in the four areas of human rights, the environment, and anti-corruption.

RBA (Responsible Business Alliance)
We are a member of the RBA, the world’s largest industry coalition dedicated to corporate social responsibility in global supply chains.

RMI (Responsible Minerals Initiatives)
We actively pursue due diligence in our procurement of minerals as a member of the RMI, an international initiative for responsible mineral sourcing.

TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)
We are expanding and improving the disclosure of information related to climate change in accordance with the framework set by the TCFD.

SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative)
It has been certified that our targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions are based in science and conform to the Paris Agreement

GX League (Green Transformation)
Joining in collaboration, the League seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while building a society that can grow in measurable ways.